Briabby - Making cute kids even cuter


This Ain’t Your Average Santa Hat

Last year my daughter had a school Christmas program where all the kids were supposed to wear Santa hats. You may be able to tell from my other designs that I am not one to make things that just blend in with what everyone else has. So I set out to create a unique Santa hat that would set my little girl apart in a sea of Santas. And it worked!

fancy santa/elf hat pattern


She was a gorgeous little Santa and everyone loved her hat. I decided to add to the design this year by making a classy looking green one with a holly for a more mature look. Grown women wear Santa hats too, but not all of them are into bows, so my sister suggested a holly instead and I think it’s the perfect addition. So now you can mix and match to be a Santa or an elf with a bow or a holly!

crochet fancy santa/elf hat pattern


I slipped the braid over my daughter’s head to make sure it was the correct size before sewing it to the hat & realized I loved the look of just the braided part with the holly too. . . so now there’s the option of making ear warmers as well!

Ear warmer crochet pattern


If you’d like to make your own unique Santa or elf hat or festive ear warmer headband, make sure to head here to grab your pattern and get it for 20% off using code MERRYCHRISTMAS. Code is good through tomorrow 11/28/18 at midnight (Mountain Time). I know these will make great photo props for your holiday photos so please share your Santa hat pictures with us in my Facebook group Brag Away Crochet!

crochet santa hat